Creatures for a Cause
Cooper Creek Creatures
In 2020, Cooper Creek teamed up with local artist and Uptripping owner, Shannon Foley Henn, to envision a colorful art installation that would capture our unique community. The first phase was to create a bright striped mural that spans the entirety of the first level of the building from Christy Sports to Devil’s Craft. The second phase is to incorporate “creatures” throughout the mural enjoying all that Winter Park has to offer. From hiking and biking to skiing and snowboarding and every activity in between; everyone in our community will have an opportunity to be depicted in this living story.
What is a creature?
A Cooper Creek Creature is a simple line drawing of a person, family or animal. They will be hand painted by Shannon based upon the description provided by the sponsor.
How do I become a creature?
It’s easy! Click the create a creature link, choose how many people you want in your vignette, give us a description of your favorite activities, ages and more. Shannon will use that description to create a simple line drawing to represent you or your family.
Where does the money go?
The business owners at Cooper Creek have selected their three favorite charities for you to choose from, or divide your donation amongst all three! 100% of the proceeds will be donated to:
Middle Park Medical Foundation
In place to help accelerate healthcare across Grand County.
Headwaters Trail Alliance
Primary goal is to provide high-quality trails linking towns and recreational areas within Grand County, with secondary trail systems connecting historical, cultural, and recreational sites near our communities.
Grand Foundation - Brammer Family Fund
Established to provide financial assistance to Grand County residents and their families who are affected by cancer.
H.O.P.E Fund
The H.O.P.E. (Healing Opportunities through Prevention Efforts) Fund is dedicated to supporting and expanding Grand County mental health advocacy and services, substance abuse prevention and recovery services, and access to outdoor recreation as a protective factor to support mental and physical well-being.
Additional Questions?
Visit our FAQ page or email shannon@uptripping.com or coopercreeksquare@gmail.com